Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today I had lunch with a friend!  We went and got Thai food.  We ate so much food it was delicious.  Another patron even came over to tell us that she and her table saw what we ordered and asked their waiter to bring them the exact same order! hahaaha I thought that was fantastic!  It was nice to catch up, I never get to see her as much as I would like or used to.  It was a great day!  After that, I had to run around and do a ton of errands.  I finished shopping for my nephew's birthday and had to get things for the house.
I found out that a friend is having a BBQ tomorrow and I will be unable to attend.  I was pretty bummed about that.  I always miss these summer BBQs!  But we are planning on doing something Monday.

All and all a great day! super busy though.

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